Seven Remix XP V3.0.0.4545

imageThe Seven Remix XP application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of your Windows XP.
A great part of the resources of your system files are replaced. Files that contain icons, images, animations that are extracts of Windows 7 having obtained therefore a Win7 of their improved Windows XP.
The installer automates the process of substitution of system files. It applies adjustments in the registry, it installs programs of third, skins and visual extras like sounds, styles, etc. In addition, it makes a backup of its archives in case that it needs to recover them.
In case of not being contented with the waited for results of Seven Remix XP, he is completely removable. It is enough with executing the desinstallation from the menu Beginning or Adding or clearing programs.

What's New in This Release:
* Seven Final Visual Style by vher528
* "Resize taskbar" section deleted from installer
* Uninstaller fixes
Information and Download:
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Size 23MB
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Developer: Niwrad
Name: Seven Remix XP
License / Price: Freeware / Free
OS: Windows XP
Size: 23,4MB
Last Updated: Jul 16 2015
Category: Transformation Pack for Windows XP

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